

PowerTrade is a portal for automation of traders’ work in the electricity market with the following segments: forward market (bilateral contracts market), day-ahead market, intraday market. It allows you to keep records of electricity supplies and purchases, plan consumption and purchases of future periods, submit orders to market segment operators, generate reports, keep records of revenues, losses, margins, conduct accounting of settlements with counterparties and much more.

The basis for the development – what motivated us?

The simplest means of planning and accounting for electricity in energy trading is an Excel spreadsheet. This creates a number of inconveniences in exchanging information between traders and delays in processing information by analysts. In addition, it is often necessary to verify the counterparty’s account balance and plan payments before scheduling a purchase or sale. Sharing information with counterparties can also involve sending multiple spreadsheets via email. PowerTrade allows you to eliminate all inconvenient tools and organize the work of all employees involved in trading more efficiently. Automatic generation of daily and monthly reports frees employees from routine tasks to perform more important work.

What markets the portal interacts with

The daily tasks of traders when working in the electricity market are:

  • coordinating the necessary amount of electricity with the contractors;
  • analysis of available volumes;
  • submitting applications to the market administrator of bilateral contracts;
  • forming orders in the market for the day ahead to buy or sell the difference between the volume of purchases and sales.

After closing the gates on the day-ahead market, the remaining volumes must be placed on the intraday market.
Analysts analyze past needs and plan purchases of key volumes for subsequent periods. Financial analysts calculate costs for each counterparty, for each transaction, and analyze transaction margins. Employees of the accounting department perform reconciliation of electricity volumes, generate reports on the counterparty, and prepare reports for market segment operators and the regulator.
The full range of the described tasks is performed on the PowerTrade portal with great convenience, quickly and efficiently.
A convenient scheduling tool allows you to exchange information with counterparties via e-mail, read attachments in e-mails and enter the necessary information into the portal with a few clicks.
The module of work with import and export allows you to plan interaction with foreign counterparties, take into account the results of auctions for the redemption of interstate section, to calculate the margins of foreign economic activity.

Multi-user energy trading system, administration of user rights

The PowerTrade portal has an innovative system of access rights to the portal. All the data of one company is available to users of this company based on the access rights to certain sections of the portal. An accountant can be granted access to read the planning section and full access to the sections for editing payments under contracts with counterparties. Traders, on the other hand, can have full access to the planning section and have limited access to accounting data. The portal allows you to prohibit access to the submission of orders to operators of market segments for employees who should not have the appropriate authority.
The actions of all users are archived and allow to restore the entire history of work with the portal of each user.

How difficult is it to switch from manual energy trading operations to automated ones in PowerTrade

Enterprise migration to PowerTrade portal is not a difficult task. After setting up basic functions of interaction with operators of different market segments, it is necessary to fill the portal with basic information: list of the company’s counterparties, list of contracts, list of users and data on transactions for the previous period, which should be available to portal users. Due to convenient mechanisms of importing information into the portal, filling the portal with information takes from several hours to several days depending on the amount of information.

Convenient interaction with market segment operators and other advantages

Requests for registration of volumes on the bilateral contracts market are created and sent to the operator in just a few clicks. PowerTrade will remind you in advance that the application deadline is approaching.
The planning module will automatically calculate the balance of supplies and purchases and quickly create an order for purchase or sale of the required volumes in the market a day in advance, and the trader will be notified in advance of gate openings and closings.

Compliance with international IEC energy market standards

The PowerTrade portal supports communication with market segment operators based on IEC 62325 series standards, as well as communication with AT “sféra” software products via SOAP.
Generally, communication can be established relatively quickly, depending on the workload of the market segment operator support team.

Single source of reports

To analyze interactions with counterparties, the PowerTrade portal allows you to generate reports on the volumes of electricity sold or bought from a counterparty, generate standard reports for market operators and the regulator, calculate the margin for each counterparty, and much more.
Reports for accounting allow you to generate reports on financial settlements with counterparties and provide the information you need to generate invoices.
Thanks to the implemented system of simultaneous access to general information, users can generate reports immediately after the end of planning or trading.

Interaction with MES-systems of generating companies

For special cases of information exchange with generating enterprises in the PowerTrade portal there is a possibility to set up interaction with MES-systems of generating enterprises to exchange current information on generation, making plans for generation for future periods, etc.
Moreover, PowerTrade has a number of additional tools for analysis of the total state of the energy trading market in Kiev and Ukraine – for example, it automatically archives data on loading of generating units and has an algorithm of market cost of electricity, which allows estimating market impact of each particular transaction.

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